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National Edward R. Murrow Award Winner, 2019

4 x Regional Edward R. Murrow Award Winner

3 x PMJA Award Winner

1 x Top of the Rockies Award Winner

spoTlight stories



Wyoming Is Using Dark Money To Help Keep Coal Plants In Other States Open


Carbon Valley

A limited narrative series on an unlikely story to solve both climate change and coal’s future - written, hosted, and produced by me.

Sound-Rich Features

Scientists Race To Research Stonefly Species Threatened By Climate Change

How ski resorts are (economically) adjusting to climate change

The Indicator from Planet Money
Snowmaking has been able to cover up the effects of climate change for a long time. But by the turn of the century, that started to change. A recent report shows US resorts are opening later, closing earlier, and taking a financial hit. For an industry that relies on snow, the threat is existential. Can ski resorts survive?