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 Award-Winning Stories

Reconstruction Of Chinese History In Wyoming: A Work-In-Progress

2020 – Regional Edward R. Murrow Award for Excellence in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Scientists Race To Research Stonefly Species Threatened By Climate Change

2018 – National & Regional Edward R. Murrow Award for Best Use of Sound

2018 – PRNDI Award for Best Use of Sound

'It's The Stone Age Of Fossil Fuels': Coal Bankruptcy Tests Wyoming Town

2019 – Regional Edward R. Murrow Award for Best Continuing Coverage

The Arts: A Lasting Legacy Of Matthew Shepard

2018 – Regional Edward R. Murrow Award For Best Feature

2018 – PRNDI Award For Best Arts Feature

Wyoming's 'Dark Money' Coal Campaign

2021 - 1st Place in Investigative Reporting for the Public Media Journalists Association


Republicans' new favorite study trashes Biden's climate plans – but who's behind it?

The Guardian

Whistleblower list names Wyo GOP chair, others as Oath Keepers


2022 - 1st Place in Enterprise Reporting for the Top of The Rockies

Wyoming Doubles Down On Its Long Support For Carbon Capture


Contura May Close Wyoming Mines Sooner Than Anticipated

Wyoming Public Media

Wyoming Is Using Dark Money To Help Keep Coal Plants In Other States Open


2021 - Regional Edward R. Murrow Award for Best Investigation

Personal Favorites

Where The Wyoming Frogs Are

Here & Now

School Closures Come In Handy For Ranchers In Wyoming


Regrowing The West: Inmates Employ New Strategy To Revitalize Sagebrush

Wyoming Public Radio/Here & Now

Wyoming coal community imagines a new future


Westmoreland Coal Can End Benefits For Retired Miners, Judge Rules


Bust Times In A Former Wyoming Coal Boomtown


Not Horrible

Trump Push For 'Energy Dominance' Boosts Drilling On Public Land


How A 50 Million Year Old Fossil Could Shed Light On The Origins Of Certain Mammals

Wyoming Public Radio

Weak Uranium Markets Spark Improbable Solution: Acid

Wyoming Public Radio

At The Edge - How Cloud Peak's Problems Really Started At The Beginning

Wyoming Public Radio